World of Art Movement in Early Twentieth Century Russia by V.Petrov, A.Kamensky. Hyperion Books (December 1991). Hardcover, dust jacket, 332 pages.
An overview of the Avant-garde Movement The World of Art. A Collection of 300 illustrations, works of over a dozen artists belonging to this group, and photographs. A chronological review of the movement's activity and of Diagilev's theatre productions, in which they were also active. Outline biographies of the artists with their works listed in chronological order.
Le Monde de l'Art - Association Artistique Russe du Début du XXème Siècle (Relié) de Vsevolod Petrov (Auteur), Alexandre Kamenski (Auteur), Denis Dabbadie (Traduction). Editions d'Art Aurora - Léningrad (1991). Français. Hardcover, dust jacket, 330 pages.