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Articles that are used in Newsletters of the new style.

Issue 030, January 31st 2013.

Hello to all Russian Avant-garde Gallery visitors and subscribers.

It's been a while since I have issued the last newsletter. The Year is changed and is now 2013. The world as we know it has supposedly ended, if we take the Maya predictions to heart, and a new order will arise. In Israel there have been elections, and there also is no surprise. Several holidas have gone by for all religions and persuasions.

So let's me bring you up to date on what I have been doing all that time at the Russian Avant-garde Gallery.

An Existing Artist 
Page Remake!

For the past several months I have been busy re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, an artist with a Stand-Alone status, according to a request by my visitors. Now I am happy to say this task is complete.

The original page has been made by my mother at the very beginning, creation stage of the Russian Avant-garde Gallery, something like 2002. At the time I was not involved in the content of the website on any stage, only with the tecnical side of the website.;


A Video Article - 


While doing all the research for re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, I have come across a very interesting article, a video, a lecture really. 



Make a Difference!
Help Restore RA History!

This website deals with Russian Avant-garde in a way different from any other. It was created in order to restore the history, give back to the artists of the Russian Avant-garde the voice taken from them during the USSR persecutions. These artists are more than their works. They each have stories, personal tragedies, which teach us so many lessons in history of art and culture, of human nature and politics, of Power and freedom of expression. These stories teach us, one person at a time, about each artist's search for expression, struggle against oppression and dictate, their own personal solution to that conflict - or lack thereof...

You can help! You can make a difference!


Team Member Wanted!

The Russian Avant-garde Gallery is looking for a new Team Member who is:

  • passionate about Russian Avant-garde;
  • loves the Gallery and wants to be a part of this project;
  • knows people in galleries, museums, auction houses - or loves and is good at making contacts;
  • is full of creative ideas;
  • enjoys selling...

Read more....

Enjoy your browsing!

Vera Kofyan


For the past several months I have been busy re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, an artist with a Stand-Alone status, according to a request by my visitors. Now I am happy to say this task is complete.

Self-portrait. 1933.

The original page has been made by my mother at the very beginning, creation stage of the Russian Avant-garde Gallery, something like 2002. At the time I was not involved in the content of the website on any stage, only with the tecnical side of the website.

And so the page was made with about 120 works, and a very short laconic art-critic-style "biography" of a few lines.

Since then over a decade has passed, and things have changed. In the past 4.5 years that I have been solely developing the site, I have come to acquire acertian vision of how I want this website to be, how I want this story told. It may differ a bit from what my mother would have done, or perhaps not- I have no way of knowing. But it is up to me now.

In addition, I have come to discover, that with regards to Malevich in particular, a host of mistakes and confusions of the past, some of them by his own deliberation, were being corrected in the last several  years. Works have been re-dated to their actual time of execution. More works have been discovered and included in catalogues and exhibitions. These were to be taken into account.

And at long last: my mother valued Malevich greatly. Numerous times she tried to explain to me the significance of the Black Square, but I was just not getting it at all. How can a square be "everything" ot "nothing"? How it could be a "language"? How could it be "beyond" objective painting? It was beyond me. To tell you the truth, I don't think I tried very hard to really listen.

And now, having been forced to deal with Malevich's works, and having to REALLY know them, I read numerous articles and books, read Malevich's own emoirs (What I have of them), and... well, it feels different now. I feel like I understand now, understand the man, his evolution path, the development of his thinking process. For the first time in my life I have a glimpse into what Suprematism meant to him.

I thank those who asked me to re-make the page for this opportunity to grow and learn something new, to get this new and formerly unfamiliar outlook.

I have brought over 340 additional works of all types and from all periods, and written a biography about the man, from a different perspective and approach, illuminated with photographs. Hope you enjoy my efforts.

While doing all the research for re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, I have come across a very interesting article, a video, a lecture really.

Click the picture to get to the video page.

This was a video by the renowned art and culture historian and art critic, Paola Volkova, from a series of films she created about art called "A Bridge Over the Abyss". This particular lecture was, obviously, about Kazimir Malevich and his famous Black Square.

I can honestly say that I liked very much this video, and I don't much care whether or not it is "art-critically" accepted or not.

This lecture has been delivered in a language of all us human-beings who are not art-critics, and she has the ability, in my opinion, to explain and express in simple terms very complicated and complex concepts. 

As the lecture is delivered in Russian, I have taken it upon myself to translate it (with subtitles) into English for all the non-Russian-speakers to have the benefit of watching it.


A NEW Artist Added in the Thirteen Movement!

On a walk. 1929.

This month I have worked on and added a new artist in the Thirteen Movement, which I have opened in June, adding Tatiana Mavrina, I hope everyone have seen and loved her work. The second artist in this movement is Vladimir Alexeyevich Milashevsky.

So very different from Mavrina, he nevertheless is a true representative of the Thirteen group's way of drawing lightly, quickly, dynamically, as if on one breath, on the go. 

From a very young age I have been familiar with some of Milashevsky's illustrations for children's books. Now I not only know to put the name to the pictures and the style, but have discovered Milashevsky as an artist, a watercolor and easel graphic artist of a very high standard. As you know, I love graphic art and illustration, being the daughter of such an artist myself and growing up on this art, surrounded by it. It is an endlessly fascinating journey to see the artist and his or her path and outlook from an entirely different angle.

Milashevsky has found in children's tales illustration not only an outlet for his outstanding talent, but also the "curtain number three", so to speak, his way out of the impossible situation in which the authoritative dictate placed the artists in the 1930s. He could not conform to the required manner; he could not continue in his former free way; and so he found another door, and has managed to retain his individuality and his creativity within this niche.

I have been unsuccessful to uncover enough information about his life after 1940s. Information about him mostly turns around his early years and his illustration. Photos are virtually nonexistent. So if you have something to add - I shall be glad to know of it and its source, and add it for all. 

I hope you enjoy making his acquaintance.

Issue XXIX - New Category Added in Recommendations

Lebedev. Reader of "Pravda" Newspaper.  
From the series NEP. 1927.

I have recently decided, after a few conversations with a few members, that a new category is in order: that of articles on things to do with Russian Avant-garde. 

In my research I find curious or interesting articles in journals, on blogs and even in books, and sometimes translate them on the forum. But now I been given to understand that some people do not like reading them on forums, and would prefer an article in the usual layout. 

So this month I have made three articles, translated form very interesting ones I found in Russian, and placed them both on the forum AND the Russian Avant-garde Gallery main site. You are welcome to read them, and those who want to discuss, comment or otherwise express their thoughts and feelings on the subject - may do so in the forum. Links are provided.

I am not yet settled about the final format of this category, it may change during the month of August, but the change will only be cosmetic, in appearance, and the category will essencially remain the same.

I shall publish there in time my own articles and interviews held with interesting people and experts, concerning various events' people and phenomena in the Russian Avant-garde art.

Anyone who has articles published, and whishes to share them with this member comminuty - please contact me and we shall place their articles in this category, as well.

1 NEW Artist Added - FIRST in a Category!

Tatiana Mavrina (Lebedeva). Suzdal. Market. 1957

As promised, I strive to give you a taste of the few Movements which still remain without any representation on the Russian Avant-Garde Gallery. One of these is the Thirteen group.

In May I have laboured long and hard to collect, select and publish the works of the first artist for this Movement. The only one for whom I have ample material is Tatiana Mavrina.

Despite the wealth of material we have on her, the main books ABOUT Mavrina are old, and have many black-and white images. She was most prolific and painted hundreds of paintings, many of which have the same title, and I had to comb and compare hundreds of images and books one to another in the attempt to locate the ones I wanted in color and quality. But boy, was it worth it! Such joy this painter is!

Tatiana Mavrina (Lebedeva). Suzdal. Market.
Illustration for 'Skazka o Mertvoi Zarevne i Semi Bogatyryakh'
(Tale of the Dead Tzarevna and the Seven Mighty Warriors)
by A.S.Pushkin. 1962.

My mother, Tatiana Kofyan has truly loved Mavrina. We have numerous books about her and illustrated by her, children's books and others. Though most of them are of the late period of her work. The work on her page has brought me one surprise after another, as I have only before known her as a children's books illustrator. Moreover, I think my mother preferred the later Mavrina, when she exhibits clear Primitivism qualities. So, a little ahead of you, I have been fortunate to discover and delight in the early Mavrina, totally unfamiliar to me before.

I have placed a page of Tatiana Mavrina's work under the Thirteen group with 220 of her wonderful works!

Additions to Artistic Groups of the 19-20th Centuries

Group of Five exhibition, 1940.
Lev Zevin's works exposition.

As you know, I have added in February a whole section, devoted to the various artistic groups in which the artists have organized and re-organized themselves in the 19th-20th centuries. This was done for two main purposes:

  • to help you feel the intricate dynamics of the artistic life,
  • to allow better understanding of the biographies and text, which all mention this group or other.

In May I have added 2 new groups the the 45 already published:

To see the full list of the groups go to the Artistic Groups of the 19-20th Centuries page.

In future, I shall also publish the list of abbreviations and terms, which would further help you understand what is being said. Having no art education, I know well how it feels to read an article and only understand half of it. I prepare these pages the way I would have liked them to be for myself. Please feel free to give me feedback and suggestions.

In addition, I have also expanded and updated the Thirteen movement page, while working on Mavrina (see first article). 

How do they connect? Well, the ROST Society has served as starting point to many of the young members of the Thirteen movement. And the Group of Five I discovered while searching for material on the ROST society, I have never heard or seen it mentioned anywhere before. It appears, this was the only group formed AFTER the famous disbanding order of the authorities in 1932.

Looking for a Team Member

The Russian Avant-garde Gallery is looking for a new Team Member who is:

  • passionate about Russian Avant-garde;
  • loves the Gallery and wants to be a part of this project;
  • knows people in galleries, museums, auction houses - or loves and is good at making contacts;
  • is full of creative ideas;
  • enjoys selling...

As mentioned and explained on the Benefits of Membership page, the Russian Avant-garde Gallery no longer can function properly with just myself working on it. I need a team to help me bring you the best I can in terms of content, items, books, films, exhibitions, shows, fairs, auctions and other events. I need someone who knows and loves this type of marketing, who can bring revenue to this site to allow bringing in other members if a team and payment for the wonderful programmer's work.

The new team member will be in charge of creating and maintaining contacts with parties holding exhibitions, fairs, shows, auctions etc., and offer them upscale and stylish advertising on the Russian Avant-garde Gallery pages. Also, coming up with other ideas for raising financial support, perhaps creating and maintaining a Facebook page... I welcome all suggestions!

Payment will be based on percent of revenue brought.

Feel you are up to it? Contact me through the Contact page.

Member Lists

Membership certificate of the Society of photography,
including its targets.

I am constantly working on the full list of official members for the various movements, and the relevant links will soon appear on the site, in case you were wondering.

Most artists have moved between groupings, becoming members of some, founding others, participating in a third's exhibition, sympathizing with a fourth, totally disagreeing with a fifth... Some of these groups never had a formal membership, others did. Some artists were affiliated with several movements, others - with none. Some have never been members of a group, some founded whole movements themselves.

For each Movement it is expected and logical that a list of (official) members is created, distinguishing between the "regular" members and founder members of same group.

So far I have created in the database a list of about 450 artists, with their personal data and affiliation: birth and death dates and places, artist profile, all the groups and Movements in which he/she was a member or a founding member. In all I have a list of about 800 names, and it takes a long time and a great effort to locate all the details. In some cases, despite al the efforts, the exact dates or places are yet to be found...

And though the member lists are not yet ready, and you do not see the details - they are reflected in "This month in Russian Avant-garde..." lists of the artist's birth and death dates on the home page. You may see the lists of the artists grow longer, and include many artists whose works do not as yet appear on pages at the Russian Avant-garde Gallery.

Naturally, though it would take a long time with 800 names, I will do everything in my power to make a page for each of the names I have.

NEW Artists Added - in the OBMOKhU Category!

Stenberg Vladimir and Georgii. Cinema Poster
for 'Process o 3 millionakh' (The Case of Three Million),
Directed by Yakov Protazanov. 1929.

The OBMOKhU Movement is a most interesting and special one, as the artists who represent it have chosen a completely different artistic path. In fact, they have created a whole new profession, a new branch of art, which before them has not really existed. Certainly not on its own. Today it is known as design.

These artists have chosen to denounce art as a pure form of expression, art for art. They believed that art is a tool, which is to be used only for the benefit of people, creating daily life objects and delivering messages, educating the masses, and art which is fails to be useful in this way . They have called their artistic form Constructivism and formed the OBMOKhU (Society of Young Artists) movement.

Stenberg Vladimir and Georgii. Cinema Poster
for 'A Man With A Camera', a Film Without Words,
created and directed by Dziga Vertov. 1929.

Two members of this movement I have already published a couple of years ago: Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova. This month I have added another pair, who have worked mostly as a single entity, though not always. These two artists are the Stenberg brothers.

Vladimir and Georgii Stenberg were designers at heart, brilliant ones at that. Their work encompassed theatre design; buildings, interiors and exteriors; transportation; exhibition pavilions; street decor for celebrations; and much more. But most of all their name is connected today to their numerous, revolutionary in their boldness and artistic mastery, cinema posters. 

You may see the page of the Stenberg Brothers' work under the OBMOKhU movement with 141 of their amazing works!

NEW Works Added for an Existing Artist

Lunch. From a documentary 'Fabrika Kukhnya'
(Factory-Kitchen). 1931.

As I mentioned in the previous article, about two years ago I have published the works of the first OBMOKhU artists on the Russian Avant-garde Gallery. One of them is Alexander Rodchenko, whose talent is unparalleled. But his real genius was photography. 

Ever since I made his page I have received many requests to add more photography by Rodchenko, and finally, I have gotten around to do it.

At a time when photography was but budding, due to the technological leap of the portable small camera, which made it possible to carry it around everywhere and take pictures everywhere and at any time, Rodchenko with his belief in the idea of Constructivism has brought the art into photography and raised it to a whole new level, while at the same time remaining true to his belief that art must only be used as a tool. He uses it to artfully document and bring to the masses the daily life scenes and the country's projects, large and small. Even the most propagandist work manages to remain artistic caught by his innovative and unexpected viewpoints.

The Constitution. Sports Parade
at the Red Square. 1937.

His photographs range from the endearing shots of children going fishing, bathing or buying ice cream; to the historically fascinating, seemingly mundane details of street signs and transport junctions, or workers having lunch; to the obviously propagandist documentaries of the various technologies and worker professions or sports parades, which are gradually replaced by military parades demonstrating the might of the USSR; and even to the horrific documented evidence of slave labor at the monumental Soviet construction projects, such as the Belomorkanal, chilling the blood in the historical significance of the ChK soldier guarding the GULAG prisoners driven there as slaves to work to death, hungry and  cold.

I have also added some illustrations and a few other works.

You may see the page of Rodchenko's work under the OBMOKhU movement with 108 new works added, or the page of Rodchenko's work under the Mass and Agit Art category, with 50 new works added.

This brings the total number of his works at the Gallery to 369!

Team Member Wanted

The Russian Avant-garde Gallery is looking for a new Team Member who is:

  • passionate about Russian Avant-garde;
  • loves the Gallery and wants to be a part of this project;
  • knows people in galleries, museums, auction houses - or loves and is good at making contacts;
  • is full of creative ideas;
  • enjoys selling...

As mentioned and explained on the Benefits of Membership page, the Russian Avant-garde Gallery no longer can function properly with just myself working on it. I need a team to help me bring you the best I can in terms of content, items, books, films, exhibitions, shows, fairs, auctions and other events. I need someone who knows and loves this type of marketing, who can bring revenue to this site to allow bringing in other members if a team and payment for the wonderful programmer's work.

The new team member will be in charge of creating and maintaining contacts with parties holding exhibitions, fairs, shows, auctions etc., and offer them upscale and stylish advertising on the Russian Avant-garde Gallery pages. Also, coming up with other ideas for raising financial support, perhaps creating and maintaining a Facebook page... I welcome all suggestions!

Payment will be based on percent of revenue brought.

This is a great opportunity to get involved in this wonderful project and be a part of some new experience. 

Feel you are up to it? Contact me through the Contact page.

 Your Search Ends Here...
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