For the past several months I have been busy re-making the page for Kazimir Malevich, an artist with a Stand-Alone status, according to a request by my visitors. Now I am happy to say this task is complete.

Self-portrait. 1933.
The original page has been made by my mother at the very beginning, creation stage of the Russian Avant-garde Gallery, something like 2002. At the time I was not involved in the content of the website on any stage, only with the tecnical side of the website.
And so the page was made with about 120 works, and a very short laconic art-critic-style "biography" of a few lines.
Since then over a decade has passed, and things have changed. In the past 4.5 years that I have been solely developing the site, I have come to acquire acertian vision of how I want this website to be, how I want this story told. It may differ a bit from what my mother would have done, or perhaps not- I have no way of knowing. But it is up to me now.
In addition, I have come to discover, that with regards to Malevich in particular, a host of mistakes and confusions of the past, some of them by his own deliberation, were being corrected in the last several years. Works have been re-dated to their actual time of execution. More works have been discovered and included in catalogues and exhibitions. These were to be taken into account.
And at long last: my mother valued Malevich greatly. Numerous times she tried to explain to me the significance of the Black Square, but I was just not getting it at all. How can a square be "everything" ot "nothing"? How it could be a "language"? How could it be "beyond" objective painting? It was beyond me. To tell you the truth, I don't think I tried very hard to really listen.
And now, having been forced to deal with Malevich's works, and having to REALLY know them, I read numerous articles and books, read Malevich's own emoirs (What I have of them), and... well, it feels different now. I feel like I understand now, understand the man, his evolution path, the development of his thinking process. For the first time in my life I have a glimpse into what Suprematism meant to him.
I thank those who asked me to re-make the page for this opportunity to grow and learn something new, to get this new and formerly unfamiliar outlook.
I have brought over 340 additional works of all types and from all periods, and written a biography about the man, from a different perspective and approach, illuminated with photographs. Hope you enjoy my efforts. |