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Issue 022, October 31st 2010

Hello to all Russian Avant-garde Gallery visitors and subscribers.

So, October has ended, and with it the heightened activity so familiar to all parents with school-children: the "sudoku" of classes to figure out, pools to organize, parent-teacher meetings to attend... I got my own schedule more or less clear (I am teaching at my son's school and at a college).

We had our autumnal crazy weather shifts the whole month - one day 30 degrees the next day - 13 degrees (that's Celsius, for those who are wondering). Terribly confusing, the mind tends to not accept that winter is at the door, while the body invites a review of wardrobe.

So let's see what is new at the Russian Avant-garde Gallery, shall we?

A New Artist Added in Two Movements

After two months with no additional artists, and while waiting for some automation programming a friend of mine is doing for me, I have decided to make a break in the new concept development and add another artist, a graphic artist this time.

While painting, sculpture and even architecture and design are widely recognized as part of Russian Art of this period, graphic art is often overlook or looked down upon, undeservedly. Having grown with a graphic artist (my mother was one), I was conditioned to recognize and respect this art, and this month's artist is Dmitry Mitrokhin:

His prolific artistic career spanned many decades, and as he was a member of two major movements, I have made two separate pages for the periods for each of the movements he belonged to. So go ahead and enjoy the 180 graphic works by this artist.

Concept and Design Changes

As you know, I plan to make some changes on the website in order to make it more friendly and informative mostly for the uninformed in Russian Avant-garde. I am mostly still within the planned deadline, and hope to have no delays and finish it this month, or the next at the very latest. There are some web-programing elements which are still not known to me and which may take more time than originally planned.

I would be happy to hear your suggestions and ideas. Anything you suggest will be considered, so please do so.

To send me your suggestions you may use any of the following ways:

Buying Books? Get Them Through The Gallery!

I want to remind you to check out the categories for Recommended Books, Films and the one of Specialized Bookshops, where you may find many of the books out there by category, by artist, by movement - and see recommendations about them:

Your buying books, films, posters, calendars through the Gallery will also contribute to supporting of this website, which takes a lot of labour and time to develop and move forward. So do make use of the work invested in bringing the books to you.

If you know of a bookshop that will be interesting for the others - do tell me about it, and I will contact them and make sure it is represented here for everyone's benefit.

Like this website?

It takes a lot of time and labour to develop. Your support would be greatly appreciated.


Join the Forum!

The Forum continues to await your participation.

Invite everyone to share their love of Russian Avant-garde with the other visitors and the world by posting their opinions, revelations, discoveries and questions on the forum in its various sections.

To join the Forum click here.

Reminder: Refresh Your Pages

As always, I would like to remind everybody to occasionally refresh the pages, due to the constant changes and additions on the website. This will ensure that you always see the latest version of the pages, and not the page cached (stored) on your computer from the last visit.

If you do not know how to do this - you can see instructions in the first issue of the newsletter. Or see your web browser help section.

Vera Kofyan

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