Hello to all Russian Avant-garde Gallery visitors and subscribers.
It is once more time to update you about the additions at the Russian Avant-garde Gallery. Getting over the amazing numbers wich summed the progress of last year (I frankly impressed myself), I have promptly settled back into work. My goals of this year are to make an even greater progress this year and bring to you many new services and additions.
This said - let's see what was done this January.
New Artist Added
This month I have added another artist in the new OST movement (Obschestvo Stankovistov - the Society of Easel-Painters) which was opened last month: Alexander Deineka. I have also made a separate page for his various works in the Mass and Agit Art category:
Alexander Deineka (Mass and Agit Art) - 90 works
Alexander Deineka (OST) - 111 works
I hope you will enjoy the 201 works by this artist in both categories.
Here I must also note the extraordinary kind assistance of the Moscow Metro, who have graciously shared with my their photographs of the superb mosaics by Deineka in the Moscow Metro.
A New Artist in an Existing Category
I have also added the few works I found by Vladimir Tatlin in the Mass and Agit Art category:
Vladimir Tatlin (Mass and Agit Art) - 3 works
Even though you see it is only three works, still I cannot underestimate the importance of Tatlin's influence in this category, especially with regard to his monument to the Third Internationale, that is renown. Without it the information about him is woefully incomplete.
If anyone has additional works by Tatlin in this category from reputable sources - please contact me and I shall be glad to add them.
Additions to Existing Artists
In the course of searching for the above artist's works, I have discovered the sources and missing details of several works I haven't published by the new artists from 2009, and which I could now rectify:
David Shterenberg (OST) - 3 works added
Alexandr Drevin (OMKh) - 1 work added
Igor Grabar (OMKh) - 1 work added
I am aware that some books and sources my mother had received temporarily and the works found there I cannot locate again. These I leave until the opportunity presents itself to find the information and add the work, like the 5 works here.
What to Expect in 2010?
I have many plans and ideas for this year. In addition to the continuous addition of artists and movement not hitherto opened, I plan to open a forum for this Russian Avant-garde Loving Community.
I am preparing a poll that I plan to post in the nearest time in order to ask your opinion, ask for your ideas and requests. When the poll is announced I shall send a mail asking all my kind subscribers to please spend about 5 minutes of your time in order to help me make this website ever better for you.
Please do not ignore this request, when it arrives. Your input is invaluable for the Russian Avant-garde Gallery.
Reminder: Refresh Your Pages
As always, I would like to remind everybody to occasionally refresh the pages, due to the constant changes and additions on the website. This will ensure that you always see the latest version of the pages, and not the page cached (stored) on your computer from the last visit.
If you do not know how to do this - you can see instructions in the first issue of the newsletter. Or see your web browser help section.
Vera Kofyan |