Hello to all Russian Avant-garde Gallery visitors and subscribers.
Happy New Year!
A whole year has passed, and I would like to send you all my wishes for the next 2010 year to be more peaceful and more involved than the last. May we grow and learn many new and exciting things in Russian art and other areas.
This is a special, end of year, issue, and I would like to summarize the month of December and the year 2009 that passed.
New Movement and New Artist Added
This month I have opened another new Movement: OST - Obschestvo Stankovistov (the Society of Easel-Painters).
In this movement I have published a new artist, and founder of the movement, and also posted several works by this artist in the Mass and Agit Art Category:
Shterenberg, David (OST) - 116 works
Shterenberg, David (Mass and Agit Art) - 9 works
This artist is almost completely unknown in the world. I hope you will enjoy his work and will find interest in his life, as I did.
A New Artist in an Existing Category
I have long promised to add works by Lubov Popova in the Mass and Agit Art category, and this month I have added the page:
Popova, Lubov (Mass and Agit Art) - 42 works
I have also moved some 6 works from the page of the artist in the Jack of Diamonds movement to the Mass and Agit Art category, and added 6 new works to her page.
Summary of 2009 Activity
This was a most prolific year on my website. I would like to summarize the additions and changes made this year.
New movements published - 4:
Circle of Artists
New artists published - 14 in 9 movements (5 of them in 2 categories each) and 1 Stand-alone:
Petrov-Vodkin, Kuzma (Blue Rose) - 102 works (Sep-09)
Kuprin, Alexandr (Jack of Diamonds) - 53 works (Jun-09)
Popova, Lubov (Jack of Diamonds) - 139 works (Jul-09)
Exter, Alexandra (Union of Youth) - 134 works (Nov-09)
Tatlin, Vladimir (Union of Youth) - 106 works (Jul-09)
Ivanova, Natalia (UNOVIS) - 2 works (May-09)
Senkin, Serghey (UNOVIS) - 3 works (May-09)
Yakerson, David (UNOVIS) - 17 works (May-09)
Petrov-Vodkin, Kuzma (Mass & Agit Art) - 19 works (Sep-09)
Popova, Lubov (Mass & Agit Art) - 42 works (Dec-09)
Rodchenko, Alexandr (Mass & Agit Art) - 66 works (Aug-09)
Shterenberg, David (Mass and Agit Art) - 9 works (Dec-09)
Stepanova, Varvara (Mass & Agit Art) - 79 works (Oct-09)
Rodchenko, Alexandr (OBMOKhU) - 129 works (Aug-09)
Stepanova, Varvara (OBMOKhU) - 105 works (Oct-09)
Drevin, Alexandr(OMKh) - 71 works (Jun-09)
Grabar, Igor (OMKh) - 55 works (Jun-09)
Shterenberg, David (OST) - 116 works (Dec-09)
Basmanov, Pavel (Circle Of Artists) - 31 works (Jun-09)
Sterligov, Vladimir (Stand Alone) - 73 works (Jul-09)
New works published - 1472 (nearly 1500).
New categories opened - 2, bringing you information on the artists published and yet unpublished here:
Recommended Films
Recommended Books
The works of Tatiana Kofyan, the author of this site, rearranged into a new category, and many works added both at the paintings and the illustrations pages.
Newsletter started - this is the 12th issue, so a full year of this service. Archive made for old newsletters.
Search engine added, and another upgrade made of the website look and feel. Menu changed to allow easier scrolling and finding. News scrollers added. Change of Home page layout.
As you can see, a whole lot of work has been done, achievements which make me content. I have many plans for the coming year to make this website even better and serving more interests of my Russian Avant-garde Loving Community.
Thank you, all my visitors, for all your support and praise, for your appreciation which you show in visits, in e-mails and on the Guestbook.I am sure my mother would be proud and thankful to see her project continue in this manner.
Reminder: Refresh Your Pages
As always, I would like to remind everybody to occasionally refresh the pages, due to the constant changes and additions on the website. This will ensure that you always see the latest version of the pages, and not the page cached (stored) on your computer from the last visit.
If you do not know how to do this - you can see instructions in the first issue of the newsletter, at the archive (the What's New page). Or see your web browser help section.
Vera Kofyan |