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Issue 004, April 30th 2009

Hello to all Russian Avant-garde Gallery visitors and subscribers.

Changing the Newsletter Frequency

During this second month of preparing and sending the Newsletter, I have realized that it is a little bit too much for me to send it out twice a month. In addition, at this point in time it doesn't show too much progress when the work is broken into such small pieces.

Therefore I decided to change the frequency of Newsletter to monthly, which is both good enough to keep you up to date and allow me some space to work in.

If there are things along the way that I consider very important to urgently send out - I shall do so outside of these boundaries and very specific, because I respect my subscribers' privacy and time.

New Additions to UNOVIS Group

Most of the UNOVIS group artists are represented by very few works, several only have one or two works.

I have began making additions to the artists I have found at the moment. Over the next several issues I will be adding the works to the existing artists' pages as well as adding several new artists.

Today I am happy to announce 101 works added to this group. Additions were made to the following 10 artists:

Ilya Chashnik - 7 works added (this page was rearranged into categories Work and Design);

Vera Ermolaeva - 8 works added;

Lazar Khidekel - 16 works added;

Nina Kogan - 3 works added;

Ivan Kudriashov - 6 works added;

Anna Leporskaya - 7 works added;

Evgenia Magaril - 1 work added;

Nikolai Suetin - 37 works added;

Vladislav Strzheminsky - 1 work added;

Lev Yudin - 11 works added.

You may go to the UNOVIS group page to see the new works at the respective pages.

I have several new artists to add in this group in the following month, so stay tuned.

Making New Additions Stand Out

The process of adding new works to existing artists has brought up a question of making these works stand out for the visitor, so that seeing the announcement in the Newsletter or on the What's New page he/she needs not necessarily browse through ALL the works of the said artist to see the new ones, nor deal in guesswork. I benefit from it also, as a matter of fact, and for the same reason.

For this purpose I have made a "NEW" icon in keeping with the website theme, and it will be placed immediately after the name of a newly added work, labeling it visibly on the artist's page. Hovering the mouse over the label will state the month of addition, allowing you to stay current. The label will not be placed on the separate work page.

In addition, on the What's New page the month will be stated when the work was added, allowing to monitor the progress.

The labels shall be removed after a while - about 3-4 months.

Tatiana Kofyan's Illustrations for "The ShkID Republic" by G.Belykh and L.Panteleev Were Added

Another page of my mother's illustrations is done, this time for the book "The ShkID Republic", by G.Belykh and L.Panteleev. You may see it here or locate it from the About the Site Creator page, Illustrations section.

This time I have not included the story of how this book was made, for shortness of time (you can see the amount of work done this month).

Preparing my mother's personal pages got me thinking about changing their structure. As you see, there are many illustrations for each of several books, and they spread over several pages. I feel the arrangement is not as friendly as it should be. I shall probably break the work into sections and sub-sections, interacting with each other. Must give it some more thought.

Comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome.

Apology For Downtime

Those of you who encountered a strange message in the middle of the month about the domain expiring, please rest assured that this was but a technical glitch, a mistake in the hosting company. It has immediately been resolved, and they assured me that measures were taken to prevent re-occurrence. I sincerely apologize in the name of the hosting company for any inconvenience to my visitors.

Reminder: Refresh Your Pages

I would like to remind everybody to occasionally refresh the pages, due to the constant changes and additions on the website. This will ensure that you always see the latest version of the pages, and not the page cached (stored) on your computer from the last visit.

If you do not know how to do this - you can see instructions in the first issue of the newsletter, at the Archive (the What's New section). Or see your web browser help section.

Vera Kofyan

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