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General Collection on Russian Avant-garde


The Great Utopia: The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde, 1915-1932 (Hardcover) by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, State Tret'iakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.

The most amazing collection of Russian Avant-garde I have come across. A true wealth of the Avant-garde art and a great number of artists, represented in every possible style and subgroup, including sculpture, architecture, poster and application art and what not.

Almost 700 illustrations and dozens of essays are available for you to enjoy and to learn.


In Malevich's Circle: Confederates Students Followers in Russian 1920S-1950s (Hardcover) by Yevgenia Petrova (Editor). Palace Editions.

A comprehensive report about those who were close to Malevich, his students and followers, the artists of the UNOVIS group.

Hundreds of illustrations; essays, letters, original documents and photographs are presented; short biographies of each artist as well as interviews and works written by them.

A true jewel for the lovers of Suprematism.


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Moscow & St. Petersburg 1900-1920: Art, Life, & Culture of the Russian Silver Age, by John E. Bowlt. Vendome Press, 2008. Hardcover, 400 pages.

In his special way, Bowlt illuminates the Silver Age of Russian Avant-garde, bringing to light artists of the period who are not the wellknown to the public. A highly illustrated volume, with 650 illustrations, 400 in color, including photography and art, ranging from theatre to specific styles. Includes bibliography for further reading.


Soviet Art, 1920S-1930s: Russian Museum, Leningrad by Vladimir Leniashin (Editor). Harry N Abrams, 1988. Paperback, 254 pages.

A well-organized catalog of some Russian avant-garde art from the Russian Museum collection, divided by movements (groups), and giving some collective understanding of the groupings. Illustrations include artists of the beginning of the 20th-century, making it a good collection of painting.


Tradition and Revolution. The Jewish renaissance in Russian avant-garde art . By Ruth Apter-Gabriel, ed. The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1987. Paperback, 262 pages.

Catalogue of a major exhibition organized by the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. includes 174 drawings, paintings, prints and illustrations by Marc Chagali, El Lissitzky and nine other artists. Photographs and documents from a 1916 expedition by Lissitzky and Issachar Ryback to study the old, wooden synagogues along the Dnieper River are included in the exhibition. (The New York Times). The exhibition was shown at Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue (at 92d Street) in 1988.




Советское искусство 20 - 30-х годов. Издательство: Искусство, 1988 г. Твердый переплет. (Soviet Art of the 20-30s. "Iskusstvo", 1988. Hardcover.)

A catalogue of paintings, graphic work, applied art and sculpture from the Russian Museum collection, in several categories.


Амазонки авангарда. Издательство: Наука, 2004 г. Твердый переплет, 352 стр.. (The amazons of Avant0garde. "Nauka", 2004. Hardcover, 352 pages.)

This album is dedicated to the women-artists of the Russian Avant-gade: N.Goncharova, O.Rozanova, N.Udaltzova, V.Stepanova, L.Popova, V.Mukhina, B.Pestel, V.Khodasevich. These pioneers of art have left a deep impression on the world preception.

A trully different point of view, a woman's insight.


Живопись 1920-1930. Государственный Русский музей. Издательство: Советский художник, 1988 г. Мягкая обложка, 256 стр. (Soviet Art, 1920S-1930s: Russian Museum, Leningrad by Vladimir Leniashin ed. "Sovetskiy khudozhnik", 1988. Paperback, 256 pages).

A well-organized catalog of some Russian avant-garde art from the Russian Museum collection, divided by movements (groups), and giving some collective understanding of the groupings. Illustrations include artists of the beginning of the 20th-century, making it a good collection of painting.


В круге Малевича (In Malevich's Circle), Palace Editions, Государственный Русский музей, 2000 г. Твердый переплет. (In Malevich's Circle. Palace Editions, 2000. Hardcover)

A comprehensive report about those who were close to Malevich, his students and followers, the artists of the UNOVIS group.

Hundreds of illustrations; essays, letters, original documents and photographs are presented; short biographies of each artist as well as interviews and works written by them.

A true jewel for the lovers of Suprematism.


Русский авангард. Музей в Музее. Издательство: Государственный Русский музей, 1998 г. Твердый переплет. (Russian Avant-garde. Museum inseide a museum. The State Russian Museum, 1998. Hardcover.)

Documents brought forth in this book clearly show the conflict and turmoil of the era. Debate between the artists is evident, giving some insight into their turbulent lives and totally different points of view.

Over 470 illustrations of works by many artists are shown in form of a catalogue, in alphabethical order.



Авангард, остановленный на бегу. С. М. Турутина, А. Б. Лошеньков, С. П. Дьяченко. Издательство: Аврора (ФГУП), 1989 г. Твердый переплет. (Avant-garde, stopped in mid-run, by S.Trutin, A.Loshenko, S.Dyachenko. "Avrora", 1989. Hardcover.)

There once was a Barentz sea, and Vera Ermolaeva has painted it. Then they both disappeared.

This book tells the story around Ermolaeva and other Avant-garde artists, of repression and fight for the right to self expression, of collecting and salvaging the works.

Illustrations include mostly works in the Cara-Kalpakian Museum. Beutiful photograph of the area included in the story.


Се рдцем слушая революцию... Искусство первых лет Октября. Издательство: Аврора. Твердый переплет. (Listening to the revolution with the heart. Art of the first years after October. "Avrora" .Hardcover.)

The Mass and Agit Art treasure box.

Posters, paintings, journals, illustration, architecture, festive decoration, and what not - by al the great names in Russian Avant-garde at the most turbulent and exciting time for them.


Неизвестный русский авангард. А.Сарабьянов. Издательство: Советский художник, 1992 г. Твердый переплет. (The unknown Russian avant-garde, by A.Sarabyanov. "Sovetsky Khudozhnik", 1992. Hardcover.)

Over 300 illustration of little known Russian Avant-garde artistsof the period 1910s-1920s. A great deal of biographical and informational material.


Л. Л. Юрова. Русский Авангард в собрании Ярославского художественного музея. Издательство: Северный паломник, 2009 г. Твердый переплет, 168 стр. (Russian Avant-Gard from the Collection Yaroslav Art Museum. "Severny Palomnik", 2009. Hardcover, 168 pages. Russian, English)

The avant-gade art collection in the Yaroslavl Art Museum is not large, about fifty works, and almost all were acquired in the first decade of its existence.

The idea of creating an art gallery has taken hold with the artists even before WWI, but it only began to take real form after the October Revolution. Yaroslavl has suffered greatly in the summer of 1918 from artillery shooting during the white guarde rebellion. Now it has become one of the polygons of new cultural politics and the first among the country's cities to receive emmissaries from the center.


Ольга Ройтенберг. Неужели кто-то вспомнил, что мы были.... Издательство: Галарт, 2008 г. Твердый переплет, 560 стр. (Has Anyone Remembered We Existed? by Olga Roitenberg. Publisher: "Galart", 2008. Hardcover, 560 pages.)

This book familiarizes the reader with a whole generation of artists whose artistic path began in the 1920s. Mostly they have been students of the artists of "leftist" movements of art, and have absorbed into their own art their ecxitement and lack of compromise... Unjustly forgotten and un-demanded they have for many decades not been included in the oficial protocols of history of Soviet art. It is not coincidence that the name of the book was taken from the fierce and bitter question asked by a graduate of VKhUTEIN, Elena Rodova: "Has anyone remembered that we existed?"...

(from editorial at Ozon)


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