Circle of Artists - Russian
Екатерина Евсеева, Наталья Козырева, Ольга Мусакова, Государственный Русский музей. Альманах, №170, 2007. Объединение "Круг художников". Издательство: Русский мир, Palace Editions, 2007 г. Суперобложка, 184 стр. (E.Yevseeva, N.Kozyreva, O.Musakova, State Russian Museum. Almanakh, #170, 2007. Group "Circle of Artists". Palace Editions, 2007. Dust jacket, 184 pages.)
Activity of the the movement "Circle of Artists" - one of the colorful, unique and at the same time characteristic phenomena of its time. This movement was not in the leading position among the many artists groups of the 1920s. Nevertheless, these artists aroused much interest in their timely relevance and results of creative daring. (editorial of OZON)