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Recommended Books on Specific Movements

Recommended Books on Specific Movements

I recommend the following books for those who would like to learn more about Specific Movements in the Russian Avant-garde Art. Some of them have served as bibliography for part of the material on this website, and are stated in the Bibliography list. Others - not yet, but probably will be.

Browse the tabs right and left to chose the Movement you seek. Click on the image to buy or search for more books at the stores. For some books there are more than one store to try.

Some of them may be out of print. It is worth a try to ask for notification: they may order the book from an actual store.

Note: there may be books for which no cover image exists at the store. For some I have searched and found the cover - from books in my possestion, or other sources. There may be different covers for editions, so please notice that.

If you wish to leave a comment or suggest/recommend a book, please do so in the Gallery Forum, at the Books & Films about subforum.

World of Art -


World of Art Movement in Early Twentieth Century Russia by V.Petrov, A.Kamensky. Hyperion Books (December 1991). Hardcover, dust jacket, 332 pages.

An overview of the Avant-garde Movement The World of Art. A Collection of 300 illustrations, works of over a dozen artists belonging to this group, and photographs. A chronological review of the movement's activity and of Diagilev's theatre productions, in which they were also active. Outline biographies of the artists with their works listed in chronological order.




Le Monde de l'Art - Association Artistique Russe du Début du XXème Siècle (Relié) de Vsevolod Petrov (Auteur), Alexandre Kamenski (Auteur), Denis Dabbadie (Traduction). Editions d'Art Aurora - Léningrad (1991). Français. Hardcover, dust jacket, 330 pages.

The French version of the previous book.




The Blue Rose



Голубая роза, Ида Гофман. Издательство: Вагриус. Суперобложка, 336 стр. (Blue Rose, by Ida Goffman. Vagrius. Dust jacket, 336 pages).

The first special publication dedicated to Blue Rose movement, a group of 16 artists who have managed to express in visual art aspects that are not material in nature, such as emotions. The author details the lives and art of all the artists, as well as the movement as a whole. The album includes 300 reproductions, 250 in color. (editorial of OZON)



The Jack (Knave) of Diamonds



Бубновый валет, Глеб Поспелов. Издательство: Пинакотека, 2008 г. Твердый переплет, 288 стр. (Jack of Diamonds, by Gleb Pospelov. Pinakoteka, 2008. Hardcover, 288 pages).

A monograph dedicated to the beginning of the 20th century, when artists M.Larionov, N.Goncharova, V.Burliuk, W.Kandinsky, P.Konchalovsky, A.Kuprin, A.Lentulov, I.Mashkov, R.Falk and others were members of the movement called the Jack of Diamonds (or Knave of Diamins, in some places). Black-and-white as well as color illustrations.(editorial of OZON).


Бубновый валет. Путь на Запад? Путь к себе. Каталог выставки. Издательство: Компьютер Пресс, 2002 г. Твердый переплет, 160 стр. (Jack of Diamonds. The Way West? The Way to Themselves, Exhibition Catalogue) Computer Press, 2002. Hardcover, 160 pages).

A real exhibition project was dedicated to the group of Russian Avant-garde artists called The Jack (or Knave) of Diamonds. The catalogue shows the artistic effort of this group, as widely as museum exhibitions allowed. (editorial of OZON)


Union of Youth



The Union of Youth: An Artists' Society of the Russian Avant-Garde. By Jeremy Howard. Manchester Univ Pr, 1992. Hardcover, 224 pages.

This book represents the first attempt to analyze the development of the St. Petersburg avant-garde between 1910 and 1914, with special reference to the art society, "The Union of Youth", born out of the short-lived art society "Triangle", led by the unorthodox figure of Dr Nikolai Kul'bin. For this reason, much attention is given to Kul'bin's aesthetics in the early part of the book. His pan-psychic ideas and their relation to the art of Triangle are introduced to demonstrate their place and transmission within the context of the local Russian avant-garde, and the Union of Youth in particular. (excerpt from editorial review, Amazon).




В круге Малевича (In Malevich's Circle), Palace Editions, Государственный Русский музей, 2000 г. Твердый переплет (Hardcover).

A comprehensive report about those who were close to Malevich, his students and followers, the artists of the UNOVIS group.

Hundreds of illustrations; essays, letters, original documents and photographs are presented; short biographies of each artist as well as interviews and works written by them.

A true jewel for the lovers of Suprematism.


Mass and Agit - English


Soviet Posters: The Sergo Grigorian Collection, by Maria Lafont. Prestel Publishing, 2007. Paperback, 285 pages. English.

"Grigorian's Collection offers a rare glimpse into a lost world." Sunday Herald, May 2007. "Totalitarianism never looked so good." Gay Times, June 2007. "These posters look completely at odds with most current graphic design, and it's this that makes them so refreshing to look at. There's nothing subtle about them ... but it's their directness that makes them so charming." Grafik, July 2007. " ... this compact monograph ... contains plenty to admire." Wallpaper*, August 2007.


Film Posters of the Russian Avant-Garde, by Susan Pack. Taschen; Original edition. 1995. Hardcover, 320 pages. English.

Russian film posters of the 1920s and 1930s bear witness to the artistic creativity of the former Soviet Union in the years before Soviet Realism became the official art doctrine under Stalin. This book represents a survey of these works (Amazon editorial review).


Soviet Constructivist Posters, by Elena Barhatova. Kontakt-Kultura; 1st edition, 2005. Hardcover, 239 pages. English, Russian.

Scientists Edition History of Soviet Constructivist Posters in one book. English and Russian Languages More Than 200 Posters. (Amazon editorial review).


Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin (Studies on the History of Society and Culture, 27) by Victoria E. Bonnell. University of California Press; 1 edition, 1999. Paperback, 385 pages. English.

"This book reveals a great deal about Soviet culture and should become essential reading for all those interested in the history of Russian politics, society, culture, and art." (Christina Lodder, "Slavic Review")


Defining Russian Graphic Arts: From Diaghilev to Stalin, 1898-1934, by Alla Rosenfeld (Editor). Rutgers University Press; illustrated edition edition, 1999. Hardcover, 240 pages. English.

Defining Russian Graphic Arts explores the energy and innovation of Russian graphic arts during the period which began with the explosion of artistic creativity initiated by Serge Diaghilev at the end of the nineteenth century and which ended in the mid-1930s with Stalin's devastating control over the arts. This beautifully illustrated book represents the development of Russian graphic arts as a continuum during these forty years, and places Suprematism and Constructivism in the context of the other major, but lesser-known, manifestations of early twentieth-century Russian art. About 100 works borrowed from the National Library of Russia and the Research Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia-many seen here for the first time outside of Russia-are featured in this book. Additional works have been drawn from the Zimmerli Art Museum, The New York Public Library, and from other public and private collections. Together they provide a rare opportunity to view and learn about a wide variety of artists, from the acclaimed to the lesser known. (Amazon editorial review).


Mass and Agit - Russian


Сердцем слушая революцию... Искусство первых лет Октября. Твердый переплет. Издательство: Аврора. (Listening to the Revolution With the Heart... Art in the First Years After October. Hardcover. Publishing: Aurora.)

The Mass and Agit Art treasure box.

Posters, paintings, journals, illustration, architecture, festive decoration, and what not - by all the great names in Russian Avant-garde at the most turbulent and exciting time for them.


OBMOKhU - English


Imagine No Possessions: The Socialist Objects of Russian Constructivism, by Christina Kiaer. The MIT Press; illustrated edition, 2008. Paperback, 344 pages. English.

"Imagine No Possessions is a fascinating analysis of the early Soviet socialist object as a uniquely compelling historical phenomenon, and as the key to a reevaluation of Russian Constructivism. In its recovery of the utopian desires motivating the design of the object-as-comrade, Kiaer's incisive yet accessible book is a stirring reminder that there are alternatives to present-day capitalist triumphalism." (Jonathan Flatley, Department of English, Wayne State University)


The Artist as Producer: Russian Constructivism in Revolution, by Maria Gough. TUniversity of California Press, 2005. Hardcover, 268 pages. English.

"The Artist as Producer confronts the problem of making a politics with art. Gough's balanced rigor in mining obscure archives on the one hand, while performing brilliant readings of recalcitrant artworks on the other gives her account of Constructivism's Utopian promise and less-than-Utopian outcome great texture. She has produced something very rare: an art-historical study that not only adds to our knowledge but captures the intense poignancy of modern art's serious ambition to undertake a revolution of--and with--form." (David Joselit, Professor, History of Art, Yale University)


AKhRR/AKhR - Russian


Каталог почтовых карточек 1922-1932. Ассоциация Художников Революции. Издательство: Стандарт-Коллекция, 2006 г. Мягкая обложка, 112 стр. (Catalogue of post cards by AKhRR. "Standart-Kollektziya", 2006. Paperback, 112 pages.)

Catalogue lists the postcards published by the Association of Artists of the Revolution in the years 1922-1932, including their relative price.

(editorial from OZON)


Искусство в массы. 1930. № 2 (10). Серия: Искусство в массы (журнал). Издательство: Художественное издательское акционерное общество АХРР, 1930 г. Мягкая обложка, 32 стр. (Iskusstvo v massy, Art for the masses, Journal, 1930 # 2. AKhRR, 1930. Paperback, 32 pages.)

The journal (original) of the movement AKhRR, began to be issued in 1929 and existed until 1932.



Искусство в массы. 1929. № 5-6. Серия: Искусство в массы (журнал). Издательство: Художественное издательское акционерное общество АХРР, 1930 г. Мягкая обложка, 56 стр. (Iskusstvo v massy, Art for the masses, Journal, 1929 # 5-6. AKhRR, 1930. Paperback, 56 pages.)

The journal (original) of the movement AKhRR, began to be issued in 1929 and existed until 1932.




Filonov's School - English



Филоновцы: от МАИ до поставангарда/Издательство: Скорпион, 2006 г. Мягкая обложка, 136 стр. (The Filonovites: from the Masters of Analytical Art to the Post. Scorpion, 2006. Papercover, 136 pages.) Russian, English.

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the "Art-Divagen" in Moscow in winter 2006-2007. Pavel Filonov, an original and unique artist, created the MAI movement - Masters of Analytical Art. The obstacles on the way of this movement were many. The most important event in its history was probably the 1927 exhibition, after which the group dispersed, as if dizzy with the success.

Illustrations of the movements and members life; evolution of Filonov's school; members' biographies. This magnificent publication is already a rarity. (editorial from OZON)


 Filonov's School


Филоновцы: от МАИ до поставангарда/Издательство: Скорпион, 2006 г. Мягкая обложка, 136 стр. (The Filonovites: from the Masters of Analytical Art to the Post. Scorpion, 2006. Paperback, 136 pages.) Russian, English.

Catalogue of the exhibition held at the "Art-Divagen" in Moscow in winter 2006-2007. Pavel Filonov, an original and unique artist, created the MAI movement - Masters of Analytical Art. The obstacles on the way of this movement were many. The most important event in its history was probably the 1927 exhibition, after which the group dispersed, as if dizzy with the success.

Illustrations of the movements and members life; evolution of Filonov's school; members' biographies. This magnificent publication is already a rarity. (editorial from OZON)


OST - Russian


В. Костин. ОСТ. Издательство: Художник РСФСР, 1976. Твердый переплет, 160 стр. (OST, by V.Kostin. RSFSR, 1976. Hardcover, 160 pages.)

Artistic life in the beginning of 1920s was very intense, complicated, and varied. Many different movements and groups were made creating new theories and artistic directions, proclaiming different views, rules, goals. This book concentrates on the OST movement, its principles and views, its creation. (editorial of OZON).


Circle of Artists - Russian


Екатерина Евсеева, Наталья Козырева, Ольга Мусакова, Государственный Русский музей. Альманах, №170, 2007. Объединение "Круг художников". Издательство: Русский мир, Palace Editions, 2007 г. Суперобложка, 184 стр. (E.Yevseeva, N.Kozyreva, O.Musakova, State Russian Museum. Almanakh, #170, 2007. Group "Circle of Artists". Palace Editions, 2007. Dust jacket, 184 pages.)

Activity of the the movement "Circle of Artists" - one of the colorful, unique and at the same time characteristic phenomena of its time. This movement was not in the leading position among the many artists groups of the 1920s. Nevertheless, these artists aroused much interest in their timely relevance and results of creative daring. (editorial of OZON)


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