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Announcement: January 2009: Poll results and Update

First, let me summarize the Poll results.

The first Poll on this site has been up for 5 weeks, and I want to thank all those who participated and helped me get a clearer picture of what the visitors think. I must add the participation rate was not as high as I had hoped. This may be due to the fact that not all pages are updated yet and hence those going directly to view old pages did not notice the announcement and the request to vote.

The vote results are as follows:

Q: Would you say links to book stores on the viewed artist detract from the site quality?
Yes, detract a great deal - 0%
Yes, detract somewhat - 38%
No, not really - 38%
No, not at all - 15%
Don't care one way or another - 8%

Q: Would you like to see more links to related sites?
Yes - 85%
No - 15%
Don't care one way or another - 0%

Q: How do you find the site navigation?
Well-structured and clear - 54%
Mostly clear - 38%
Somewhat confusing - 8%
Very confusing - 0%

Q: How do you like the site appearance?
Very good, pleasant and clear - 85%
Don't like the colors - 8%
Don't like the structure - 8%
Don't have an opinion - 0%

Based on these results, I have removed the links to book stores on the viewed artist from all the pages, as it has obviously bothered a third of the voting visitors, and will rethink this aspect.

In addition, after the update of all existing pages is finished, a plan for additional related links will be developed along with a further improvement of structure and navigation, which is already prepared, but must wait the end of current phase. The reason for this is the impossibility of having two navigation structures at the same time on different pages, which, I am sure, you perfectly understand.

As to the progress in the update of the existing pages, half of the published movements are completed and their links proofed. See the detailed list, it is changing continuously.

I believe that all movements will be complete sometime in March.

Reminder: during these few weeks broken links to pages not yet updated are inevitable. I apologize for the temporary inconvenience and once again ask for your patience. I promise to be as quick as possible about this change, but still - there are thousands of pages to update... See progress described (What's New page, NEWS section).

Vera Kofyan

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